Sunday, October 16, 2011

Breath of Heaven

I love to be inspired... I love the outdoors, fall time, cool air...

Today is Sunday and instead of going to church with the rest of my family, I stayed home to care for the two smallest members of our orchestra who were not well enough to go. On a suggestion from Nathan, we ventured out for a walk. The walk was wonderful; it was full of inspiration, smiles and delight! If my life is a symphony then what shall I call it? A sonatina, perhaps?

As I walked out of the door, I began to see and hear the world around me. The sun was gently hugging me with the perfect warmth while the cool wind danced friskily through the tree tops and over the grasses. Here and there a crispy leaf was skittering across my path. The sky was a vibrant blue etched occasionally with contrails and the airy brushstrokes of horsetails. Ahhhh.....

“How could I say there is no God, 
When all around creation calls...” 
Creation Calls by Brian Doerksen 

Just as the wind was singing its song through the trees and the grasses, my two musicians were making their own music through their smiles and conversation. Their music ebbed and flowed just as the tide and I had to bring my own thoughts back from the beauty of the world around me in order to hear their chatter and respond to their faithful questions. I realized their world was so much more fun for them if I would only take the pains to be a part of it too.

I watched my three-year-old walking in a world of his own imagination. First he was a saber wielding warrior riding his metal steed across the park. Next he was a giggling little boy swinging through the air in a swing. As we walked on he was a lover of leaves and giver of gifts, giving sticks to us all with which we were to “hit every tree with leaves” so as to tempt the leaves from their branches and watch them fall to the ground. At one point he exclaimed at the site of a particular weed and, picking it, declared it was basil. He then asked me to wear it in my hair as “it would be so pretty”. A few steps later he found a wilted flower and, seeing its mysterious beauty, decided it would be a much better adornment for my hair. The “basil” was then taken to a small mountain of dirt where it was to be planted if only he had a rake to soften the soil. As it turned out, the “basil” found its way home with us.

My littlest one, bless his heart, was feeling rather sore today. His normal chatter was cut off my the raspy voice that sounded every time he tried to talk. Despite it all, he smiled in the sunshine and enjoyed a quiet ride in the swing. He watched the world go by as we walked and the relaxation it was passing out at every turn gently soothed him to sleep. He arrived back at home, a resting little bundle.

If I could only capture the sights, smells, sounds and peace of this morning and bottle it for days when the sun doesn’t shine or my work pulls me too far from the simple world in which trees sing, breezes dance and children live and thrive. Although I can’t bottle it and keep it forever, I am forever thankful that God wrapped me in just such a gift of His love this morning!

“For since the creation of the world His invisible attributes are clearly seen, being understood by the things that are made, even His eternal power and Godhead so that they are without excuse...” 
Romans 1:20

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