Tuesday, July 2, 2013

Successful Creativity

Oh my!  It has been a long time since I posted anything!  I knew it had been a while but didn't realize how long.  Oh well, I guess that means life has been full and busy!

Now, on to the topic at hand. For years I have been using cloth diapers for my little guys.  I tried a variety of different diapers, covers, and all-in-ones before settling with fantastic prefolds and wool diaper covers.  Over the years I have knitted and crocheted various diaper covers, all the while deciding which patters and pattern features I like and dislike. I have run across some great patterns that make fantastic covers but there still seemed to be a void in the market.

If you head out to any department store and wander through the baby section in search of a shirt without snaps at the bottom (onesie style), you will quickly find that they are few and far between.  I would guess that about 90% of baby tops are made to snap over the diaper and by so doing keep the shirt from coming up and leaving the little one's cute belly exposed.  I like shirts with snaps as I like my little ones to look at least somewhat put together. :-)  However, I have not been able to use most of these shirts as they do not work well with wool diaper covers.  I can't put the cotton shirt snaps up against the wet diaper or the whole shirt will eventually get wet and if I put the snaps over the wool diaper cover (which I have done lots!), it looks like his underwear is showing.

Necessity is the mother of invention, right?  Well, I decided it was time to create my own wool diaper cover pattern - one that would both cover the diaper and also allow him to wear shirts with snaps.  I thought about it while I laid in bed, I thought about while I tried to finish the other knitting projects in progress, I thought about it as I diapered him, I definitely thought about it as I looked at all the cute snapping shirts I have sitting on his shelf.

It took quite some time and pages of notes but I finally finished his first Sneaky Soaker!  It works wonderfully!  I am so very excited to now have wool pants that allow him to wear snapping shirts! I hope to add different sizes and styles to the pattern but for now I am super happy with the finished product!  Yay!


  1. No kidding, talk about cloth diapers making the onesies wet! It drives Jason crazy, so he leaves the girls in their sleepers! Now that I'm solo for the summer, I just can't keep up with washing the diapers so I've temporarily switched to disposable (icky) which is nice in the sense that they no longer get wet clothes. So, great job (and cute) on the pants!! It's annoying that they only make onesies but I have found a few shirts but then their pants get wet. And dresses are kinda out of the question as they are trying to crawl and get stuck in them. Hope you're doing well!

    1. Hey Stephanie! I have been thinking about you and your ladies and hoping the summer is speeding happily along! I hear you about leaving babies in their sleepers... I have done the same thing especially if I messed up in washing a load of diapers and they smell bad... Yay for them crawling! That is exciting! I wish I lived closer and could me your girls!
