Thursday, December 27, 2012

Staying Healthy with Garlic

So, the flu season is upon us!  I remember having the flu every year growing up and disliking it as much one year as the next.  Now, as a mom of a newborn, the thought of handling the flu times eight is overwhelming so I am trying to do everything I can think of to boost our immune systems and keep us healthy.  I have always known garlic to be good for your immune system but have always had a tough time figuring out how to take it.  I have used garlic and cayenne pills but as I am not sure what sort of method is used to process them, I can't be sure that all of the good properties are present.  I have tried taking it crushed up on a spoon with honey to soften the blow but my stomach tries to reject it so I am often hesitant to take it, especially when I don't feel well which is right when I need it the most. A few months ago I picked up a cookbook at a local store, "Healthy Choices" from the readers or Keepers at Home, and happened upon a simple recipe for a garlic glycerite.  We have made it a few times and are finding it to be both an easy (yes spicy but easy) way to eat lots of fresh garlic and effective at speeding the recovery period for runny noses as that is all we have had to contend with thus far.

I have been watching our little lady as she does chores around the house and have noticed that she is often demonstrating how to accomplish the chore to an unseen audience. :-)  I decided to tap into the budding teacher in her and have her demonstrate for you how to prepare the garlic glycerite. Enjoy!

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